Every business experiences peaks and troughs. Whether they be from expected seasonal fluctuations or unexpected events like a global pandemic. While you can’t possibly predict everything that will ...
Small businesses win work by using sales quotes. Yet they often don’t realise that how they prepare quotes can cost them business. Many lose revenue by not following up on quotes or turning quotes ...
Whether you are thinking of launching a small, local business or a global enterprise, finding a city that is friendly toward entrepreneurs is important. You want a city that is culturally supportive ...
Online marketing tools make it inexpensive and easy to promote your events online. If you want to expand your business and offer webinars or offline events, these eight tools will create online buzz ...
As accountants, we come across many business owners who haven’t given a lot of thought to what their longer term plans are. Often they are continually bogged down in the daily routine and don’t take ...
Too many businesses fall over because the owner has not established efficient business systems. This typically happens because the business owner is so caught up in the day-to day running of the ...
The key performance indicators (KPIs) for one company will invariably be different from the KPIs of another firm. What both hypothetical companies share however, is the challenge of selecting which ...