Too many businesses fall over because the owner has not established efficient business systems. This typically happens because the business owner is so caught up in the day-to day running of the ...
The key performance indicators (KPIs) for one company will invariably be different from the KPIs of another firm. What both hypothetical companies share however, is the challenge of selecting which ...
Many small business people wonder whether it’s better for them to buy or lease capital equipment for their businesses. Your options regarding leasing or buying depend upon the nature of your ...
We now look at eight characteristics important to successful businesses. International researchers who have studied many small businesses have found that these characteristics consistently play a ...
Most small businesses experience cash flow problems from time to time and urgently need working capital. Many business owners immediately think of the bank or loans when they’re short of money. But ...
Do you feel the same as this: "I am finding it tough. " "Sales are slowing but I can’t figure out exactly why. " "No-one seems to be unhappy with what we do, and no competitor has entered the market. ...
Service Businesses are hard to value and sometimes struggle to get their price at sale time and a prospective owner can have a lot of questions before taking on a new business.