Being a small business owner can be fantastic. You get to be involved in every aspect of your business, from marketing to event planning, from sales to employee development. Being involved in so many ...
Hopefully you have long – and short-term plans for your company and you may even have a strategy for your own development, but have you considered having a personal development plan (or individual ...
When you run a small business, every cent counts. It can be difficult to spend money on anything you don’t consider vital. Hiring a lawyer during key times in your small business might seem like an ...
Christmas is a demanding time for many people, but for the small business owner it can be downright stressful. Often you’re dealing with end-of-year fiscal matters, tying up loose ends if you’re ...
When you run your own trade business, your life involves a lot of long days being on job sites while managing projects, staff and clients. There probably are not enough hours in the week for you to ...
If you’re a small business owner whose company hasn’t gone through hard times, that’s great but it’s likely to happen at some point. As much as we dream about being brilliant enough at business that ...
Should you share your business’ financial performance with employees? There are two schools of thought when it comes to “open book management” – the decision to increase transparency by sharing your ...
We all know the usual process for finding new employees. Advertise a job. Read resumes. Conduct a telephone interview. Conduct a face-to-face interview. Choose someone. The steps to recruiting new ...