What Are Deductible Expenses And How Can They Benefit Your Business?

Written by Wise Advice Team | 23/01/2023

Rental income is a type of passive income generated from real estate investments. It comes from renting out properties, such as apartments, homes, offices, and retail spaces, to tenants. Generally, its main purpose is to provide the investor with a steady stream of monthly or annual income that can be used for various purposes.

In this article, we’ll discuss why rental income is important, how it works, and the tax implications of owning a rental property.

What Are Deductible Expenses?

Deductible expenses are business expenses that can be claimed on your taxes as a deduction. These expenses include salaries, rent, advertising costs, office supplies, and depreciation of assets. When you subtract these deductible expenses from your gross income, it lowers your business's taxable income.

That’s why they’re so important to keep track and claim; they can save you a lot of money in taxes!

How Can Deductible Expenses Benefit Your Business?

One major benefit of deducting your business’s expenses is that it reduces your company's taxable income. This means you have more money available to invest in your business and use to grow. It can also help you move out of a higher tax bracket, which can save your business even more money during tax season.

Another benefit of deductible expenses is that they give you the incentive to invest in your company's growth. Knowing that any expenses incurred will likely be deductible from taxes means that it’s easier for businesses to take risks and try new things without worrying about the financial consequences as much.

What Is The Difference Between Deductible And Non-Deductible Expenses?

When determining whether or not an expense is deductible, it’s important to know the difference between a deductible and a non-deductible expense. A deductible expense is one that will be subtracted from your gross income on your tax return, while a non-deductible expense is one that won’t.

For example, medical and dental expenses are only deductible if they exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income. Meanwhile, entertainment and travel costs are generally non-deductible unless they are deemed “ordinary and necessary” business expenses. It’s important to do research into what types of expenses are considered deductible before making any financial decisions for your business.


In conclusion, deducting eligible business expenses can be extremely beneficial for lowering taxable income and incentivizing growth within the company. Make sure to understand the difference between deductible and non-deductible expenses so that you can make the most out of your budget and save money during tax season.

It’s also important to keep track of all expenses throughout the year so that you can easily claim them when the time comes. If you have any questions or need assistance with any part of the process, a qualified financial advisor can help make sure that you are taking advantage of all available deductions. With this knowledge in mind, you should be well-equipped to take advantage of deductible expenses in order to maximize profits for your business!

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